Monday, 30 July 2012

The Olympics!

So the Olympics are finally here! The last seven years have flown by and here we are, the 2012 London Olympics have begun!

This post is a little different to my usual content but a little variety now and then never hurt anyone :)

So Saturday 28th July, me and my family woke up obscenely early and got on the train to go to the Olympics. My dad designed the basketball arena so wanted to see it up close and being used so we got tickets to the Women's Basketball :)

My dad with his building in the background

We got to see two games which was good, as we thought we would only be seeing one. We saw Angola vs Turkey and Croatia vs USA, both of which were very exciting! There was even the added bonus of between play entertainment from some jazzy cheerleaders, the Twist and Pulse dancer and even some dancers who pretended to be sweeping the court between game play! It was all very exciting :)
The basketball arena up close (excuse the giant finger!)

The park was exciting, lots to see and do, and all the buildings were pretty amazing (not as good as my dad's though, obvs!), there was even the world's largest McDonald's.

My first sight of the park (which I think is the aquatic centre)

The BP area where you could offset your travel for getting to the games (which again my dad had a hand in designing)

My dad and brother heading into the park towards the Olympic Stadium

My brother, dad and mum infront of the Stadium

Inside the Basketball arena

Inside with jazzy lights before the game is about to begin

Me looking a bit ridiculous with the Olympic mascot! 

We had a lovely day and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! The only downside was, that because of the opening ceremony we only had about four hours sleep, so by the end of the day we were exhausted :( We got a train home at about half ten and as soon as we sat down we all just fell asleep! A nice family day out all in all.

Are any of you going to the Olympics, or have gone? 

Happy reading!

Esme's Temporary Leave of Absence

Hello there readers :) I hope you're all well and have been enjoying the brief bit of sunshine we have been having!

So, as I'm sure you have noticed, I have been absent from the blog for the past few weeks. This is because I have moved house! Only round the corner but as everyone who has ever moved knows, it is very stressful! Having moved about three weeks ago we had no internet, so several strongly worded phone calls to BT later and we finally have the world wide web again :)

I will be continuing with the blog as before and hopefully putting up some interesting posts for you all to enjoy. I think I may have another little reshuffle of the layout, content and style of the blog but more on that as it develops...

If there is anything you guys want me to talk about, just ask!

Happy reading!

Monday, 2 July 2012

July is Events Month!

So July is upon us, although it definitely doesn't feel like it! The forecast for this week alone is rain, rain and more rain. Lame. So with that being said, I have decided that July is going to be Events Month here at Esmeralda's Dressing Table. With events such as The Olympics staring at the end of this month, festivals galore and various events such as Ascot happening, July is the perfect month to be taking about events and the variety of beauty products needed to be looking your best! 

I have several ideas for this month's theme but if there is anything you guys specifically want me to talk about, just ask and I'll see what I can do :) 

                                                              Happy reading!